

We provide Residence Hospice Care, Bereavement Care, and Community Hospice Care programs such as in-home visits, day hospice and Caregiver Support. Our services meet the highest care standards in a setting that reflects as closely as possible a comfortable home environment.

Our Hospice Sites

May Court Hospice
114 Cameron Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S 0X1
Tel: 613-260-2906
Fax: 613-260-5510

Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice / Hein House
110 McCurdy Drive
Kanata, ON K2L 2Z6
Tel: 613-591-6002
Fax: 613-591-7002

Maison de l’Est (Coming Soon)
c/o Résidence Cité Parkway
380 ave LeBoutillier
Ottawa, ON K1K 3W3
Tel: 613-424-6560
Fax: 613-424-6570

Hospice Care Ottawa Charitable Registration # 11896 3701 RR0001

General inquiries: 613-680-0306


Frequently asked questions

Hospice Care Ottawa / Who we are / Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Who is Hospice Care Ottawa?

Hospice Care Ottawa is a community-based charitable organization that provides palliative and end-of-life care to people with a life-limiting illness in Ottawa. Our mission is to accompany and support individuals and their families through their end-of-life journey by providing compassionate, high quality care. We serve around 1000 people and their families each year. Currently we have three locations in Ottawa offering community support programs to help people stay at home as long as possible and 21 beds to provide around the clock nursing care for people in their last days and weeks of life.

How do I access services?
What services do you provide?

Residence Hospice Care

  • 24 hour nursing care in a home-like environment for those in the last days and weeks of life at May Court Hospice, Hein House at Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice, and Maison de l’Est (coming soon).

Community Hospice Care

  • Day Hospice programming six times per week.  This offers guests a day out in a friendly environment while providing respite for caregivers (at our May Court Hospice, Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice, Maison de l’Est)
  • In-Home Volunteer Support provides reassurance, companionship and comfort measures to people living at home
  • Caregiver Support provides counseling, day respite, complimentary therapies and more to family members who care for a loved one with a life-limiting illness
  • Bereavement Care is provided through counselling, group support, retreats and nature walks to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one
Who can receive care?

Anyone aged 18+ who is dealing with a life-limiting illness living in Ottawa can access our services and support, regardless of age, status or community.

Can I tour through Hospice Care Ottawa?

To see what our Hospice Care Ottawa sites look like, visit our photo gallery by clicking here.

Why do we need Hospice services?
Hospice provides compassionate and cost-effective care.

Did you know…
  • Most people would prefer to die at home or in a home like environment, not a hospital
  • The number of people 65 years and older will double in the next 20 years
  • Increasing number of seniors leads to more people using hospital and emergency rooms, which increases costs to the health care system and wait time.  Our goal is to improve the quality of life for palliative clients and their caregivers and reduce the burden on the health care system from unnecessary hospitalization
  • The cost of a hospice bed is estimated at $470/day versus the cost of an acute care hospital bed at over $1100/day
Hospice residences are crucial for people living with a life-limiting illness who can no longer be cared for in their own homes.  The focus of hospice care is providing the best quality of life for as long as possible in the time remaining. Hospice care wraps families in compassionate loving support and provides bereavement support and after care.
Where are you located?

We have three hospice sites across Ottawa:

  • Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice / Hein House (110 McCurdy Drive, Kanata)
    Full service, 12 bed residence and community programming ​​
  • May Court Hospice (114 Cameron Avenue, Ottawa)
    Full service, 9 bed residence and community programming
  • La Maison de l’Est (c/o Résidence Cité Parkway, 380 ave LeBoutillier – COMING SOON)
    Community programs are offered in French, to enhance access to palliative care services for our Francophone community
Who provides services?
  • Delivery of services is made possible through the support of dedicated health care staff and many volunteers
  • Any volunteer who provides direct client care graduates from our 30 hour training program
Who pays for this?

All of our programs and services are provided to the people we serve at no charge to them. We receive a portion of our operational funding from government but rely mainly on community support to raise the rest of the dollars (over $2 million annually). We receive no government funding for capital projects.

How can I donate?

Hospice Care Ottawa relies on community support through donations and fundraising projects to enable us to continue to provide hospice palliative care at no charge. To make a donation please click here.

How can I volunteer?

Volunteers are people of all ages and backgrounds, employed and retired, who give their time to help others. All direct client care volunteers are required to complete our 30-hour training program offered each spring and fall. Volunteers choose assignments that best suit their time, skills and interest. They provide practical and emotional support to clients and families, bereavement support, and office and fundraising assistance.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please click here.

How can I opt-out of receiving correspondence from Hospice Care Ottawa?

Hospice Care Ottawa understands that you may not want to receive correspondence, or you might wish to limit the frequency of communications regarding Hospice Care Ottawa news, projects and fundraising initiatives. To do this, please contact Lesley Doucette, Donations Administrator at lesley.doucette@hospicecareottawa.ca or 613-260-2906 ext. 222.