

We provide Residence Hospice Care, Bereavement Care, and Community Hospice Care programs such as in-home visits, day hospice and Caregiver Support. Our services meet the highest care standards in a setting that reflects as closely as possible a comfortable home environment.

Our Hospice Sites

May Court Hospice
114 Cameron Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S 0X1
Tel: 613-260-2906
Fax: 613-260-5510

Ruddy-Shenkman Hospice / Hein House
110 McCurdy Drive
Kanata, ON K2L 2Z6
Tel: 613-591-6002
Fax: 613-591-7002

Maison de l’Est (Coming Soon)
c/o Résidence Cité Parkway
380 ave LeBoutillier
Ottawa, ON K1K 3W3
Tel: 613-424-6560
Fax: 613-424-6570

Hospice Care Ottawa Charitable Registration # 11896 3701 RR0001

General inquiries: 613-680-0306


Lynne Toupin

Lynne Toupin

Lynne has worked as an independent consultant since 2011, providing services to support strategic planning, board governance and facilitation. Currently, she facilitates leadership training programs for senior managers on a part-time basis.

Over the course of her career, Lynne has led and managed a range of non-profit organizations at the national level, such as the National Anti-Poverty Organization, the Canadian Co-operative Association and the HR Council for the Non-profit Sector. During this time, she was also actively involved in a number of initiatives to raise awareness and support the development of the voluntary and non-profit sector in Canada. She has sat on several boards such as l’Université St. Boniface, the Festival du Voyageur and Imagine Canada and currently serves on the board of a small community-based arts organization in Blue Sea, Quebec.

Prior to working in the voluntary and non-profit sector, Lynne worked in the field of education in Manitoba as a teacher, school principal, curriculum consultant and Special Assistant to the Minister of Education.

Born and raised in Winnipeg, she holds a master’s degree in Education from l’Université de Montréal and a B.A. from the University of Winnipeg. She is fluently bilingual in both official languages and has lived in Ottawa since 1990.