Our In-Home Volunteer Support Program offers emotional support and practical help to clients facing a life-limiting illness who are being cared for at home. Our professional staff supports trained volunteers who make home visits.
Anyone can make a referral to Hospice — you, a family member, caregiver, friend, physician or other health care professional. When you contact Hospice Care Ottawa, our Community Care Coordinator will arrange to meet with you and/or your loved one to decide the best type of care to meet your needs and then a volunteer match will be made.
These volunteers provide someone to listen, to read, to talk with, to take the patient shopping, to assist at meals or to simply watch over while the patient rests. This program allows caregivers to do errands or to rest knowing that their family member is being cared for.
Hospice volunteers are meant to complement existing support by family and friends, visiting nurses and personal support workers. This program plays an important role in Hospice/palliative care, especially for people who are isolated in our community. Not everyone has access to the support of family and friends. The Hospice volunteer provides client support at home or retirement home while providing emotional support or respite to family and friend caregivers.
The In-Home Volunteer Support Program provides but is not limited to:
- respite for caregivers
- emotional and spiritual support
- referrals and information
- comfort measures
- advocacy
- bereavement support
To make a referral , please call 613-796-6555 or click here to download a referral form or visit https://www.caredove.com/champlaincss to access services.
There is no charge to the individuals with life-limiting illnesses and their families we serve, therefore donations are welcomed and encouraged.